Where is your focus when manifesting your SP? You may be focusing on directing your energy on having certain thoughts. There are two gradual steps in focusing on what you want to manifest, and this post is going to help you determine where you are in your manifesting journey.


1st step focus

When you first want to get back with your SP, your priority is to get emotionally stable. Manifesting on a roller coaster is possible but not the easiest way.

So, we usually encourage you to focus back on you, and prioritise you. Make decisions that make you happy, follow your joy any way you can.

Sometimes, it is difficult for you and you come back to me as you want to know if your SP is going to disappear if you don’t think about them 24/7. They won’t because you are already connected, but your focus cannot be the same as when you had the breakup. You were having negative thoughts about you, or about them or about relationships overall. Or you left your insecurities get the better of you and unconsciously manifested your fears. Done that, been there, don’t worry, it’s ok, it’s a journey, remember?

When you still feel insecure and all over the place, you should still focus on you. Why? Because it energetically shows “others” how you expect to be treated, with love and respect.

Now is a great time to put a structure in your future love. This is the biggest work you need to do. Imagine that! You are asked to nurture yourself, understand what a great catch you are. And, if you are on a spiritual journey, become aware of who you are in your quantum bubble.


2nd step focus

What you do

After a while focusing on you, you usually feel better within yourself. At this stage, you should perceive your SP differently. Maybe they are not your number one priority any more, or you have understood that they are just a person and not an unreachable God or Goddess that may or may not give you the magnificent to be in their life or not.

Granted, if you have chosen them, they are fantastic, but they are human beings, just like you. They have ups and downs, and they want to love and be loved.

So, naturally, you do your best to remove anger, resentment, guilt, from your energy or expectations. You figure, if I think lovingly about them, surely they will come back to me. And so, you design affirmations and inner conversations to fix your current situation.

The only thing is that, when you focus on fixing your situation with SP, your energy is still on the issue, it’s not on what you want to manifest.

Did you say you wanted to manifest your situation to be fixed? I think not. All of you, wanting to be with your SP, tell me that the ultimate goal is to be in a committed relationship with them, or in a marriage with them, or moving in the same house with them, or live close to each other and see one another regularly.

Bottom line, that type of focus is still not what needs to be happening here.


What we want you to do instead

Instead, what you need to do is place your focus on you and them in that marriage if that is what you truly want! Granted, you can manifest in steps, like dating first, moving in the same house then, marrying then. But it has to be clear that I never ask you to focus (not the other coaches) on your SP being back with you, which would mean that there is a current separation.

Your focus should be on what you will do at weekends, what places you want to go to together, which side of the bed will you take when they are with you? How will you feel? What thoughts will you have? THIS is the type of focus you should have. Because this is the type of thoughts that manifest, not thinking about the problem at hand, hoping for a fix.

I had a few cases of lovely women who had mixed thoughts, too: fixing the issue while thinking of where they would spend the next holidays. In that scenario, you might get hot and cold from your SP because of the confusing nature of your thoughts.

Make a clear decision of what you want with SP and direct your focused thoughts thereafter. This is the easiest and quickest path.

And if you struggle in keeping your focus, remind yourself that your current situation is the feedback of your past thoughts. NOW is the only time there is for you to manifest what you want. So, stop or purge your negative or unfavourable emotions and get back to your manifestation because, if you remove resistance, it won’t take too long before they are back with you.

If you want guidance on manifesting faster thanks to a powerful self-concept: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (zennumerostar.com).

Or on crafting affirmations, inner conversations and stories Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (zennumerostar.com).

Or on and how to remove resistance and finally experience your manifestations: Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (zennumerostar.com)