by Sabine (Zen) | Aug 22, 2019 | Law of Attraction, Love, Manifesting, manifesting reading
Why did I come up with a Love Manifesting reading? Heal thyself to be credible Even before becoming a professional reader (Tarot – Numerology) and a Life coach (using the Law of Attraction / Law of Assumption, following the teachings of the late Neville...
by Sabine (Zen) | Jul 16, 2019 | Energy, Full Moon, Love, Moon Energies
It is commonly known that the Moon affects nature, so what’s the harm in taking advantage of the power of one phase, the full moon, to manifest what we want to have in our reality? We saw what the moon is, what the moon represents and its symbolism. If you haven’t...
by Sabine (Zen) | Jul 6, 2019 | Energy, Law of Assumption, Love, Manifesting, relationship
Are holidays ideal to manifest an SP? I mean, have you ever thought or hoped that you could meet your specific person, your SP over the holidays? Well, I have! I am getting asked this question time and time before the summer or the winter holiday season. Probably 95%...