When manifesting a new version of your SP or a new SP becomes frustrating, it usually is because you are resisting your SP, their new version that is. When you can’t stop thinking about your past story with your SP, you are resisting your SP. Simply because there is a mismatch between your beliefs and the relationship you are manifesting.

So, how does it come down to that and what can you do to manifest with more ease?

How do you know that you are resisting your SP / specific person?

Easy. When you think more about what happened than of your manifestation. For now, let’s assume you want your SP or specific person back.

After a breakup, the last conversation, the last time you saw them, will stick into your mind. Fact. If, at that moment, you make the decision to manifest your SP back, I can tell you right now that you will use force. And that is also a fact.

Look at it this way: you are not in a loving relationship with your SP anymore, your memories, even very recent memories, are the most significant ones in your brain. And, whenever you think about those encounters, negative feelings resurface. When that happens, you are only negatively fuelling your intention of being with your SP in a loving relationship.

Your memories are very powerful right after the breakup, and even if the breakup is distant, some sensitive manifestors could still carry those open wounds around. Unless you stop reminiscing what was to happily bask into what is and will be, you are not in a win-win situation. Period.

You are also resisting your SP when you keep affirming, visualising, having inner conversations, etc, until you turn blue in the face, and feel let down as the SP is not in their life. They feel they are not rewarded for their effort. I get that. Been there, done it. But manifesting will happen when you stop resisting it. I hear you say I am probably crazy because you all know that you want your SP back. But, you never manifest what you want, you can only manifest what you feel about what you want whenever you think about it. That’s it, no mystery here.

Therefore, you need to feel positive about what you are manifesting. Would you agree?

Here is a link about how you are resisting your manifestations overall, it was my last post: https://bqj.vdj.temporary.site/how-to-stop-resisting-your-manifestations/


Manifest your SP (and new relationship) from a new positive baseline

So, what can you do to stop resisting your manifestation? If I tell you that you need to stop thinking about what happened in the past, you are going to tell me “easier said than done”. And, of course, I will agree. Except that you have a couple of solutions.

But before having a look at the solutions, let’s dive into the reasons why it is difficult to just stop thinking about the past.

Memories are rarely neutral, they are energetically charged. In negative or positive. Especially important situations. They are archived with a significant positive or negative energy.

Now, because we are talking about SPs, let’s say that there was a breakup. That moment was important to you, and so the last conversation, the last time you saw them, will stick in your memory. There is a negative meaning associated with the situation otherwise known as circumstance, and a negative emotion.

Usually, after the initial shock, the manifestors who reach out to me want me to tell them how to get the SP back. The SP is their priority, and they don’t want to hear anything else. I try to explain where this came from and what to do within themselves first, but if they are on the phone, there is a blank. And if we are video chatting, they look at me as if I had just landed from another planet. One lady even said: “look, I mean no disrespect, but I thought I was clear when I first contacted you: I want my SP back, that’s it. Just give me a couple of affirmations I can use, and I promise to repeat them several times a day until he’s back.” I laughed. She laughed, too, thank God.


You can reverse what you have created

I know, I know, none of you feels that they have created the breakup or the negative circumstance. But there was just that thing they said the other day that got you wondering. Or there is that one friend that kept telling you that you deserved better. Or you caught yourself thinking the relationship would be difficult because of…(fill the blank).

Sometimes, it is even more subtle than that. It could be that you have been raised to believe that if the SP comes from a different background, any relationship would be challenging. The list is long, as you can imagine.

The point I want to make is the fact that the circumstance didn’t hit you by chance or bad luck, should I say. Of course, there are situations you cannot predict such as the pandemic, etc. But, as you can see, there are still married couples despite the pandemic and so on. What I mean is that circumstances are ‘just’ the environment or playground, even if it doesn’t feel that way. You can still reverse whatever you want by focusing on what you want despite what is in your face.

Remember, everything is energy. Your thoughts are energetic thoughts, your memories are energetic memories, your feelings are energetic feelings.


How to stop thinking of the old story to manifest the new?

Well, this is the part that will dictate your success and the time it will take for you to manifest. As you detach from those thoughts and therefore their associate feelings, you will not only feel lighter, you will also stop resisting your manifestation. And as you stop resisting your SP, your SP will confirm the new version of you who gets what you want.

Here is your video on the topic:


Here are a few ways to stop thinking about the old:

Have closure by giving it meaning, waving it goodbye, etc. Here is an older video I did on having closure because the topic was a request already:


Give your past story another meaning

Giving your past memories another meaning is a method that has worked perfectly for me. But the trick is that it needs to make sense to you. If your SP has stopped contacting you all of a sudden, after three months, trying to convince yourself that he is busy at work seems far-fetched. But, thinking they want to sort their finances out, or anything you can believe in, is a winner.

Because if you change the original meaning and give it another meaning you cannot believe in, you will want to try and convince yourself. Good luck with that. Plus, it will take more time.

The emotional purge

I have already talked about it, and it works great also. Just be careful to release negative emotions but not circumstances because if you do, other circumstances associated with the same negative emotions might pop up later on. You don’t want that to happen. Also, a word of caution if you are trying to release a trauma such as an abusive past. In that case, it could take a while, and that transition period could feel long and difficult.

The usual emotions that get released first are: guilt, anger, resentment, jealousy, etc.

I did an emotional purge myself, mainly for my insecurities. But then my insecurities triggered other emotions, other memories, so I did the purge in steps. Be extra gentle when you do.

Wave it goodbye and stop thinking about your SP!

As you catch your thoughts and negatively think or feel about your SP, one method that has always worked for me was to tell myself “Thank God that’s in the past”.

Your Self-Concept and You as a priority

I won’t lie to you, the first thing is for you to understand that focusing on YOU and making YOU a priority is the best way to manifest the new version of your SP. Because the way you treat yourself will dictate how others, including your SP, start treating you.

Please understand that manifesting your SP back is not the most difficult. But if you successfully manifest them back without changing who you are, you will experience the same relationship. And if you are reading this post, we can agree that it didn’t end well. Therefore, what you are after is the version of you who can not only manifest that SP of yours, but also sustain a new and loving relationship.

If you focus on yourself as a priority, your SP will start living at the back of your mind. And by the time you have changed your self-concept, your SP will not appear as negative as they used to.

Here is a link to my course on self-concept:

Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (zennumerostar.com)

The last way is to remember that I am the observer of my thoughts, but this is a more advanced perspective. I am currently writing a short ebook on this. I should complete it by May.

Now that you have ways to stop thinking about the past relationship you had with SP, all I can say is Happy Manifesting!