Why a predictive psychic reading might not be enough? Before ordering a reading, I sometimes get questions from people who have correctly identified the limitations of a psychic reading. If you are not familiar with them, I would invite you to read the article here.

I confess that I started giving pure readings, meaning to say predictive readings. Because I was getting good feedback, I didn’t see the need to adapt my readings to manifesting until recently.

Why coaching in manifesting is critical in a reading

Limitations of a predictive reading

As already mentioned in my previous article, a predictive reading has limitations. It is limited in time, it picks up your current energy and it is then our job to interpret those data and give you predictions based on those.

The problem is that I started getting some clients coming back to me because my predictions were taking time to manifest. This was odd to me because I tend to “read” fast. It made no sense to me. I knew I was a good reader, but I felt embarrassed and started second-guessing my intuition. When you are a reader, doubting your intuition is not good. Not good at all.

Plus, I wanted to help. And I felt a bit useless if I couldn’t provide guidance and reassurance to my clients.

Law of attraction

Therefore, I resumed my studies. Indeed, I spent hours on YouTube, I bought books on the Law of Attraction. I even bought online courses and went to the US to attend live seminars. My mission was to learn all I could on the subject.

Now, you should know that above 80% of my clients require help on relationships, either to get an ex back or see the potential of such an opportunity; or when they are going to meet someone significant; if someone is a real deal.

And then I met someone significant myself and went through a roller-coaster with him.

Without really realizing it, I was applying what I had learned myself with more or less success.

I think that it is ok to give advice or coach once you are an expert, but it brings a whole new dimension when you go through the same stuff yourself.

Even with a fair understanding of the Law of Attraction, there was something wrong in my implementation obviously since I was incapable of reuniting with the man I loved.


This is because the Law of Attraction is excellent, but something was missing for me. The more I was trying, the more he was eluding me. I was desperate, I was devastated and found it difficult to focus on my work.

I had to intensify my intuition not to work so hard because it was taking too much energy from me and I was drained after a single reading.

So, I worked on my intuition with a pendulum and increased my self-confidence as I gained trust in the messages I was getting.

Something clicked: I had to allow it, not work for it to happen.

I implemented a whole other level of Law of Attraction until I could shift my energy and started to manifest my desires. It’s been a process but I am not looking back!

Now that I have understood and that I have seen for myself that it works, I provide coaching in manifesting what you want, based on your current energy from the cards and your strengths through your date of birth.

What this has changed for my clients

Hope is temporary while manifesting techniques are long-lasting!

At first, some clients were surprised and felt that they didn’t have as many predictions as before. But a few weeks later, I started to receive thank you messages from clients who were seeing manifestations in their own life. I knew I was following the right path.

Because you see, a prediction on its own is as valid as your present energy; but let’s face it: when you consult me or other readers for that matter, you already know what the situation is; you don’t need anybody to explain it to you. You are after reassurance and hope first, but then you want your situation to change in your favour.

A prediction will help for a few days, until your doubts creep in and you feel the need to get another reading to validate the potential of the one you were just given. By doing this, you are giving your power away and are not acting like the creator that you fundamentally are.

Implementing manifestation techniques helps you remain focused on your end goal.

Self-image and self-belief

Hope will give you momentum for a while. But if you expect your life to miraculously unfold as you wish, your hopes need to turn into assumptions. In other words, you need to feed your mind with hopeful thoughts and believe they can become your reality. Sometimes, it is enough and that’s great! But more often than not, hopes have a temporary life if your leading thoughts are contrary to what you want to manifest. And your reality goes back to what is familiar.

However, when you get a numerology chart, it helps you understand all the qualities you already have within and why you might have some blockages. That, in itself, is a confidence booster. I have found out that most of my clients take their qualities for granted and are nicely surprised when I tell them what strengths they can tap into in order to manifest quickly.

You are unique and you create your reality the way you perceive it to be true. Believing in yourself is a key component not to overlook.

I myself understood manifestation techniques and was disappointed and frustrated that my desires were not manifesting. Once I worked on my self-beliefs and shifted to beliefs that were supportive of my desires, my reality started to change.

And all I had to do was to change my beliefs, nothing else.

But, you see, it is easier said than done. I have had ladies coming back to me and say: Oh yes, absolutely, I will think that way instead. Only to come back to me a week later and enquire how to think and how to believe in their new thoughts.

This is more than a process, it takes a real shift. Then and only then can you manifest your life the way you truly want.


You create your reality with your beliefs; a predictive reading will give you immediate relief and reassurance, but unless you know how to manifest what you desire and tap into your natural strengths and follow a process, some of you will manifest what you want, but others won’t.

Your doubts weigh on your manifestation. The trick is, therefore, to eliminate doubts and let manifestation unfold nicely.

What’s next?

I’ve got you covered with a complete 3in1 reading, either by email or by voice skype or video. Your life, you choose.