ebook: Decoding the Secret of Manifesting your Desires


Hello lovelies!

This book is for you if:

  • You find it difficult to get what you want consistently
  • You have manifested small things but struggle to manifest bigger things
  • You want your life to change without effort
  • You have a strong desire that you can’t manifest

Proudly introducing Decoding the Secret of Manifesting your Desires!

Although there are no prerequisites, it will help if you:

  • Keep an open mind
  • Are committed to applying what you learn in this book
  • Truly want your life to change

This book will allow you to have a transformational experience. Manifesting a big desire as a one-off is not the purpose of this book.

All the techniques, all the principles as described in this book are based on my studies, my analysis, experiences and my own results as well as my clients.

Enjoy the journey!

Published by Sabine Fontaine

Copyright © 2019 Sabine Fontaine

All rights reserved worldwide.

First edition: 2019


Hello lovelies!

This book is for you if:

  • You find it difficult to get what you want consistently
  • You have manifested small things but struggle to manifest bigger things
  • You want your life to change without effort
  • You have a strong desire that you can’t manifest

Proudly introducing Decoding the Secret of Manifesting your Desires!

Although there are no prerequisites, it will help if you:

  • Keep an open mind
  • Are committed to applying what you learn in this book
  • Truly want your life to change

This book will allow you to have a transformational experience. Manifesting a big desire as a one-off is not the purpose of this book.

All the techniques, all the principles as described in this book are based on my studies, my analysis, experiences and my own results as well as my clients.

Enjoy the journey!