How does a tarot card reading work?

Is it EITHER Tarot OR Manifesting?

You usually request a Tarot card reading OR a manifesting session, but now that I keep explaining why I combine both, more and more of my clients are now requesting a “Manifesting card reading”.

Either way, when you book a manifesting or a Tarot session with me, it is because you want clarity and guidance on a complex situation. It can be a current situation or circumstance. Or it is guidance on something that could happen in the future. Indeed, it is rarely random.

I must have had only one client who came to me out of curiosity. So, what does Tarot entail? First, Tarot is not a magical tool, and the cards will not give you magical answers. You have multiple possibilities ahead of you BUT your energetic signature shapes your future path. Not the cards, you. It’s all about you!

Let me give you a couple of examples: you wonder what your boyfriend (SP or Specific Person in the manifesting community) thinks about you. You wonder if he loves you, what his intentions are, and so on. The Tarot cards are not magically giving you answers but messages that are energy-based. On top of it, even if you currently have a negative energetic signature, you have the power to reverse the current trend! Isn’t that cool?

Your Manifesting Tarot session is purely energy-based

Your energy is the sum of your thoughts as your feelings. Whenever you think, you emit a certain type of energy. Whenever you have an emotion, this also creates an energetic signature. Are you with me? Good. That energetic signature is emitted in your quantum bubble as your set point. If you believe in your thoughts, those will manifest unless corrected. In good or bad.

Therefore, when you wonder how the cards can be so specific, I have only interpreted your energetic signature. So, there is nothing mysterious about Tarot card readings. Besides, readers like myself are seasoned manifestors, and we combine knowledge with practice and experience. Bottom line, nothing mysterious about us either!

How does manifestation work?

Back to the basics of manifesting

You manifest all the time. When you tell me that you don’t know how to manifest, all it means is that you don’t know how to consciously manifest. In other words, you are giving birth to unwanted situation rather than experiencing what you were wishing for.

Essentially, you need to know who you are as a manifestor. Do you have a good or bad self-image? Then, know exactly what you want and why you want it. Don’t bother about how difficult it may seem right now, this is not your problem. Let the universe or your godself or your higher power deal with it. Finally, focus your attention on a favourable outcome irrespective of what you see and hear in the meantime. That’s it, that’s the process.

What goes wrong when manifesting then?

Needless to say, manifestors usually know what they want. however, from then on, it’s more or less chaos. What I mean by this is that they keep focusing, reminiscing or imagining a dramatic scenario. Once they decide on a manifestation, they simultaneously identify the problem that should be on the way.

Most of the time, some of you confess that it is to avoid being too disappointed in case you don’t get what you want. The thing is, you are delaying your manifestation when you think that way.

When you understand that you have a plethora of potential outcomes ahead of you, and that you need to decide what you want to experience, it usually gets easier. Unfortunately, most manifestors have a hard time selecting their preferred outcome because they genuinely believe that it must fit into their current situation. This is not how to manifest!

This is not to say that you will have an easy path. However, you could facilitate your access to your manifestation if only you were ok to think from the outcome rather than what is in your face!

How can Tarot and Manifesting be compatible?

Well, I usually start the session with your date of birth. That gives me clarity on your inner qualities as a manifestors. It also tells me what your shadow side it when manifesting, which is very useful to you indeed. Then, I read your cards if you want a card reading to understand your energetic signature.

Again, the cards are not there to tell you what the future reveals. Indeed, they give indications of your blocks and hint to the best resolution for your situation. From then on, I know exactly how to direct the session in terms of point of focus. I aso convey messages on how you can conduct a mental diet. Finally, I also craft a couple of magnetic affirmations for you.

A word on what a mental diet is: it is simply the way you catch the thoughts that are contrary to your manifestation and adjust them to support your desire. In other words, you are the observer of your thoughts. Once you have identified your unsupportive thoughts, you are the operant power: you decide what thoughts are going to be more dominant going forward. Should you want more clarity on how to manifest exactly whatever AND whoever you want, I have developed a few courses for you.

Indeed, if you feel that you need guidance on your self-concept: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being ( Or on how to Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being ( Or on and how to Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (


I sometimes get an email asking me if a session with me is necessary for you to be on the right track. No, it’s not. I am not asking you to pay towards a session or buy any of my courses. I have released free blog posts and free youtube videos on the topic.

When my clients book a session or buy a course, it is essentially because they want to speed up the process. I want to be upfront: a process is a process and it needs to run its course. However, when you know what you need to do, how to think, how to persist, how to remove doubts, how to get what you want, it is usually reassuring and comforting for you to know that help is at hand.

I do believe in you, I know you can do it, so on that note: Happy manifesting!