Can you send telepathic messages to your SP so they know you have shifted? Before checking how your SP will know that you have shifted, we will see how YOU know yourself that you have shifted? Indeed, I will touch on telepathic messages rather than everybody is you pushed out and finally I will explain how your SP will know that you have shifted.

How do you know YOU have shifted?

The first step for your SP to know that you have shifted is for you to actually shift.

There are two types of shifts. One is about shifting or adjusting, or choosing different thoughts. The other way of shifting is around having an emotional shift. Usually, the shift happens in both aspects at the same time. As you choose another perspective on things, you feel better.

Let’s say that John has ghosted Mary. Mary feels desperate. She calls her friends and asks for their advice. That’s because Mary believes that John doesn’t love her anymore since he hasn’t been communicating with her for a while.

Now, let’s say that Mary has learned her lesson. As a result, if John ghosts her, she immediately assumes that he is busy. Or she chooses to believe that it doesn’t have anything to do with her. Bottom line, she doesn’t feel desperate. And because she doesn’t feel desperate, she won’t fixate on her situation. She has the right attitude.

If we say that Mary number 1 now knows better and reacts like Mary number 2, then Mary has successfully shifted. Are you with me?

When you think differently about your situation and don’t feel desperate anymore, you have shifted. This is what a shift is, in a nutshell.

How does telepathy to your SP work?

Telepathic messages as one aspect of Everybody is you pushed out

Well, in the manifesting community, we would use everybody is you pushed out. Telepathy is one aspect of everybody is you pushed out. Or should I say telepathic messages?

Essentially, everybody is you pushed out means that your SP, in this case, will interact with you according to your energetic signature. I call energetic signature the way you think and your feelings in relation to the way you think. If you think poorly of them and believe you don’t stand a chance, there is little chance that your SP will propose today.

Now, on to telepathy. We use our minds to have a mental communication with someone else. Like for everybody is you pushed out, in my experience, telepathy is a felt experience.

What does that mean? You all know by now that manifesting implies that you select your desire irrespective of your assessment of its probability or not. Like Ariana Grande in her song: I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it. She doesn’t go: I see it, I like it, I need it, I hope I can get it. The way you affirm, nurture, feel good as you think about your desire is critical. When you think about your SP, there is no need to say “my love, I have shifted, you are not coming to me, abracadabra”. Your SP won’t turn around and say, oh my God, seriously, where is she? No.

How to use your mind to send telepathic messages to your SP?

When you have shifted, you will not think the same way about your SP. Before shifting, maybe you were resentful, angry, bitter, frustrated. You were fixating on the issue with them, and on the situation or circumstances.
After shifting, you will naturally align with what you want and not on the current situation anymore. Logically speaking, you won’t have the same thoughts every time you think about your SP.

Now, the way I personally use it is by using efficient inner conversations. See, nothing mysterious really.

A quick reminder of what an inner conversation is. It is the way you have a mental conversation with someone in your head. This is not a conversation face to face or on the phone. I actually usually close my eyes when I have an inner conversation. One tip I would like to give you now is to prepare your inner conversations. At least the ones you can refer to if you experience something unpleasant and need a quick fix. It works wonders.

But you don’t need to prepare them all, otherwise it won’t feel natural to you. And if you are the obsessive type, like me, you may notice that you enjoy having the same inner conversations. When you have a scenario that you particularly enjoy, you may find yourself eager to run that program whenever possible.

How will your SP know you have shifted?

So, how will your SP know that your energetic signature has shifted?

When you have an inner conversation with your SP, they won’t pick up on your words, but they will get a feeling out of nowhere. In addition, they will associate that feeling with you in that they will think fondly of you or will feel neutral. They will feel neutral if the situation was tense.

They will feel a change in any case without being able to explain it.

It will be like when you don’t care anymore, and the SP can sense that your energy is gone. When you wonder why they come back only then, it is because you once claimed they were yours. And something you need to understand is that, unless you have closure on a belief or on a want, that belief, that want will keep showing up. That’s how it all works, you see.

And if you happen to have lots and lots of inner conversations with them, they will start seeing your name. They might hear something about you and what you’ve been up to. They could wonder what is happening in your life. You will be on their mind, and they won’t be able to control those thoughts. They could hear a song and that song reminds them of you. Or watch a movie where the woman says something you used to say, and so they will think about you. Even if you haven’t spoken in a while.

This would be what is called in manifesting entanglement. Essentially, this is invisible connection that can not be destroyed once it’s been established.

Now what?

If you would like to discuss this further and get guidance on how to manifest what you want to experience, feel free to select a service here.

Alternatively, you may be eager to speed up your manifestation by learning and applying the content of my courses. You don’t need any of those to manifest, but I have received feedback that it is great to have all the knowledge that you need in one place.

You may feel that you need guidance on your self-concept: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being ( Or on how to Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being ( Or on and how to Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

I do believe in you, I know you can do it, so on that note, Happy Manifesting!