Manifestations techniques are either overlooked or overused, so before diving into the fascinating topic of manifestation techniques to manifest your ex back, I would like to kindly remind you that manifestation techniques are only tools to help you be in the state of the wish fulfilled.

YOU are the driving force, the operant power behind the manifestation techniques. In other words, a manifestation technique needs you to make it work. By itself, it won’t do anything.

In this blog post, we will focus on manifesting your SP with some of my preferred techniques.


Top Zen Manifestation Techniques


#1 – The manifestation journal

Now, in this journal, you can write everything. No need to be organised, just write down anything you would like to experience in your physical reality. I use a journal where I write all my small manifestations.

Because this is a post on how you can use manifestation techniques on your specific person, what I did in the past was to insert a line around receiving a text, him giving me an affectionate name, etc.

This is especially effective if you find it difficult to imagine that your SP is going to text you or notice you in any way. Indeed, that “small” manifestation being within other small ones, your brain shouldn’t be able to pick up on your resistance. This has worked very well for me.

Moreover, I typically get back to my manifestations and tick them off as they show up in my reality. Also, instead of keeping a gratitude journal of some kind, whenever I can tick off a manifestation, I write Thank You next to it.


#2 – The pillow method manifestation

This manifestation method might be my clients’ favourite! It can be perceived as a love spell, to be honest, but as long as you keep good intentions, there’s no harm in testing it!

It goes like this:

  • On a piece of paper, you write the name of your beloved first, just so that you are clear on who this manifestation technique is for.
  • You then write your name (if you want to get married, use your first name and his surname).
  • Then write an affirmation of what you want to manifest.

For instance, it could be: I am now the happy wife of x, and he makes me feel special every day. Thank you!

  • Finally, look at your piece of paper every day before going to bed and place it under your pillow.

Tip: as you read your paper in the evening (but also during the day if you so wish), read it in silence but trying reading it out loud as well. For me, reading something out loud sticks quicker and better. Your affirmation should feel natural, as if you were talking to me or your best friend. Use the same types of words you would use if you were having a chat. Ensure your words are on the positive.


#3 – The Nikola Tesla 369 method

This technique is the one I talk about in the video. There are plenty of tips in it, so better take notes!

The 369 method is great if you lack focus or if you are stressed. That manifesting technique will help you redirect your focus. Also, repetition, especially the very first days, is excellent as it acts like a routine. Your subconscious mind will be reassured if you keep repeating the same words and feel ok about them.


#4 – Manifestation affirmations

I have developed a whole course on magnetic affirmations, and in fairness, they work great. BUT, in my experience, they are not enough if you are manifesting a big goal, which is usually the case with your specific person or SP.

So, I would typically add inner conversations and would change the whole story, which is what I explain, step by step, in my course.

As far as manifestation affirmations go, you can use I AM, if you feel empowered doing so. If it feels off, don’t use I AM. Instead, you can use some of my favourite affirmations. Nearly all of them imply that I am great at manifesting. They follow the concept of a good self-image, and the inner knowing that you will manifest whatever you want.


“Knowing that I can manifest my SP because I am the operant power in my quantum bubble makes me feel unstoppable”.

“Manifesting is fun and I manifest with ease not only my SP but money and good health”

The way it’s worked for me is because I had included the SP within other big manifestations. That way, I wasn’t anxious about my specific person.


#5 – The Feng Shui Bagua vision board

I’m sure you have already heard or even done a vision board. A vision board is great, especially if you are a natural at visualising. I am more of a writer and listener, so affirming what I have written is my preferred way.

Anyway, if you are not familiar with Feng Shui, it is an incredible concept from Asia stating that the way you position things around a place, as well as its colour and what it’s made of, hold some energetic power.

For instance, placing a couple of ducks to the right side of your bedroom is said to be effective when wanting to be a couple. So, obviously, a few years back, I got myself ducks. And peonies. And red stuff in the bedroom. Yes, I am a fan! I bought at least 30 books on Feng Shui, which is quite something when you know that in 1990 there were not so many.

Plus, I nearly flew to Malaysia to get certified with Lilian Too, my favourite teacher. But at the time I had no clue how to manifest and money was not abundant back then in my reality.

So, coming back to the vision board using Feng Shui Bagua, there are 9 sectors. This is pretty interesting when you know about the 369 method, right? Anyway, here are the sectors:

Wealth & Prosperity Fame & Reputation Marriage & Relationships
Family Health Children
Self-learning career Travel & friends


You may want to place pictures of a happy couple where it says Marriage & Relationships, etc. I did it that way, I also placed a picture of a couple on holidays in the Travel & friends sector. In the career, at the time I wanted to travel for work, so I had placed a business woman taking a flight, etc.

If you want to create a Feng Shui Bagua vision board, use pictures that mean something to you so that you can connect with your vision board.


#6 – The “I don’t give a flying poo” technique

Ah, this is a technique that I had to come up with because I used to have obsessive thoughts. Now, obsessive thoughts are not a problem when it means that you positively fixate on a goal. But, when it is when you fixate on the problem at hand, not so good. Obviously, I knew I couldn’t keep living that way because what I really wanted kept eluding me. Now, I fixate on me being the operant power, and not so much on my manifestations.

The “I don’t give a flying poo” technique comes from Ireland where the real expression is “I don’t give a flying s@@@te”. I love that expression, so funny. Well, especially if you imagine a flying poo, right?

So, this will come handy to my obsessive and hypersensitive manifestors out there who struggle to focus on their manifestation and focus instead on their problems. The way you use this manifesting method is by consciously saying to yourself, whenever you feel anxious and stressed out, looking around to see where your manifestation is, “that’s fine, I don’t give a flying poo anyway, I know it’s coming, period”.

#7 – The Ho’oponopono prayer manifestation technique

Ho’oponopono is a Hawaian prayer that Dr Hew Len first used to improve the mental state and attitude of individuals who had performed criminal acts in a state hospital in Hawaii where he was working. He focused on their file. He used the four Ho’Oponopono to clean himself:

I am sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

Using Ho’oponopono implies that you take responsibility about your life experience and acknowledge that we are One Consciousness. As a circumstance (or data) comes into your awareness, it is up to you to clean it within you. If not, erroneous memories will be formed and will run the show on your behalf.

What I love about this prayer is that it matches the manifestation notion of Everybody is You Pushed Out coined by Neville Goddard. Indeed, everything comes from within us before getting pushed out into our energetic field. Does this mean that we are responsible for humanity overall? No, only what we experience in our reality as an opportunity to clean. That’s why some manifestors think it is the perfect method to heal karma. Why not? It encompasses wonderful healing emotions for sure!

Its power is also in the fact that you are not directing the mantra or prayer to anyone nor anything. This Ho’oponopono is a prayer for self. Self-forgiveness, self-healing, letting go. Yes, all that. This is because we are talking to the divinity within us. Again, this matches the manifesting world. That’s why, I can only encourage you to use it for you, and not to manifest something in particular. Remember, any technique, your journey, all of it is for you. For you to feel good and reach a certain state in mind and emotions.

If you’d like to know more about Ho’Oponopono, please watch this video:

Bonus manifestation technique: If you haven’t read my article on a manifestation technique from Neville Goddard, please feel free to read it here:

Question: what manifestation techniques have you used? What for? Well, if you struggle to manifest despite using manifestation techniques, you may refer to the following video:

If you want guidance on manifesting faster thanks to a powerful self-concept: Selfconcept Foundational beliefs – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Or on crafting affirmations, inner conversations and stories Craft magnetic affirmations – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (

Or on and how to remove resistance and finally experience your manifestations: Eliminate resistance in manifesting – Manifesting coaching on Love, Career & Well-being (